SEO Tools, Tips and Resources - Webmaster Tools
I've amassed a lot of useful SEO Tools, Tips and Resources over the years and decided to tidy them up and present them here. There are a lot of other links for Webmasters under the Webmaster Tools link below - Enjoy ..
(Only half of the way thru my lists - more very soon).
[ Keyword Tools (below) | Webmaster Tools | BackLink Tools | Best SEO Forums / Newsletters | Other SEO Tools Sites ]
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Free webmaster resources including SEO Tools, Computer Glossary, Templates, Tutorials and Webmaster Forums at IWebTools.
Free Download - Google Adwords Guide Ebook - All you ever wanted to know about Adwords
Keyword Tools :
NB: If you sign up your site for their Google Webmaster Tools - it will give you a run down of what keywords your site is appearing in Google for and the average position of that term in Google.
Also - Please see this comprehensive list of keyword resources at SearchEngineLand -> Search Marketing: Search Term Research.
* SheerSEO Keyword - Page Analysis Online Tool - NEW - Superb Tool, currently FREE featuring ; SERPs tracking tool for Google and Yahoo - Page rank monitoring - Word density - Number of referrers - Number of indexed pages - Site auto discovery for relevant search terms & pages - Main referrals analysis, showing the website's main referral links, the referring page PageRank and link text.
* SEO Book Free Keyword Suggestion Tool - A really neat free keyword tool on SEO book that gives something approaching KEI analysis (well as good as it gets for Free ;0). I personally use a paid Wordtracker account, which you should subscribe to if you're really serious about SEO. Nevertheless, this free keyword tool has some awesome features.
* Find keywords by URL - Superb little tool which gives you the keywords and their positions for a given website on Google and MSN - not 100% but gives you a good idea of the keywords you have coming in up in Google and MSN really quickly - Check is accessible only to separate pages of a site - you have to register to see the results but it's free.
* Digital Point - Search Engine Keyword Tracker, Keyword Ranking Tool and Back link, PR Checker. Track your keywords for free. Requires Google API which are no longer issued.
* MyLongTail - Excellent Free tool - reveals in real time which keywords people use to find your website. When acted on, they can increase the natural search traffic to your website.
* MSN Keyword Forecast (NEW) - Not bad this - Enter your keywords/phrases, separated by a semi-colon and it will give you graph or text output of no. of searches / impresssions. (from MS: 'Learn about the impression count forecast and demographic predictions of your search terms. The search forecast results can be shown as Flash, pictures, or text.'
* Google Ads Keyword Selector Tool - Generates potential keywords for your ad campaign and reports their Google statistics, including search performance and seasonal trends.
* GKW - Good Keywords - Download Program - Free Windows software tool from Softnik Technologies for finding the ideal set of keywords for targeting your web pages. Use Good Keywords to find suitable keywords sets, create your meta tags, brainstorm product ideas, etc. Uses Data from Yahoo and Ask.
* Yahoo - Formerly Overture - UK Keyword Selector Tool. Rather better version on nichebot here. (Stop Press - July 07 - the new Yahoo Panama is replacing the old Yahoo PPC and the old keyword tool may not be supported. read more here - Help on Keyword Research.
* Miva Keyword Tool - Apart from Overture and Google Ads tool above - this is the only other UK based keyword tool I have come across.
* IBP Internet Business Promoter - Download Program - The very best free keyword research tool Although you wont be able to use most of the promotion stuff in the program unless you buy it - there is a kick ass keyword research tool that's free to use - the program uses Overture / Yahoo for most countries, Google Sandbox, Miva and a host of others plus a keyword permutation program and a ton of other stuff.
* Yahoo and Wordtracker Keyword Tool - From 123promotion - Gives a different take on these tools by country.
* Check Keyword Traffic - From - This tool will produce an estimate of daily search activity for a specific keyword phrase on the internet across the major search engines. This is only an estimate, and on a daily basis your mileage may vary.
* Keyword Typo Generator - From SEOtools - Generate a list of suggestions for likely human misspellings and typos for given keyword.
* SearchGuild Keyword Difficulty Checker - how hard it would be to rank for the keyword or phrase.
* Keyword Lexicon - Derive related keywords - thesaurus type tool.
* Ontology Finder - Related Keywords Lookup Tool - The goRank ontology lookup tool checks the top 1000 Google results for your keywords by running a related word query.
* Mcdar - Google Data center Watch Tool - View & Compare Google Datacenters - Search for your site on over 700 Google datacentres.
* SEO Sleuth - AOL Search Data - SEO Sleuth was created out of the recently released AOL search data. This tool allows you to view what keywords people searched for. How much organic traffic each site gets from a search engine. How many clicks individual SERPs get.
* Google Multiple Datacenter Keyword Rank Checker - This tool will perform a search across multiple datacenters, and check where your site may be ranking in each of them. This tool differs from others of it's kind in that instead of searching by IP address, it uses the actual domain name associated with that IP, simulating what someone would actually see when going to and hitting that datacenter. Hovering your mouse over the datacenter name will reveal what IP address that name resolves to. This will give you a much more accurate view of what others are seeing when they search.
* Wordtracker Keyword Tool - Find the top 100 related keywords - U.S. Slant.
* Yahoo Multiple Keyword Rank Checker - Check a sites ranking in Yahoo! for up to 5 different phrases at once. Searches are cached, and a new search for a given keyword will only be performed once every 24 hours. Otherwise the rank will be checked against the cached results.
* Advanced Google Searches - Use this tool to search google in many special ways. A useful resource for search engine optimisation (especially keyword research) among other things.
* Keyword Generator for Google AdWords (and Overture) - This Excellent tool generates a list of possible keyword combinations based on lists of keywords that you provide.
* Acronym Finder - With more than 550,000 human-edited entries, Acronym Finder is the world's largest and most comprehensive dictionary of acronyms, abbreviations, and initialisms.
* Itools Language - Excellent language resource with dictionaries, terminology finder, thesauruses and even a crossword and scrabble solver. Can also find Research Tools - Search Tools - Language Tools and People Search Tools
* Google Trends - Find out the time time of year your keywords perform. Searchable by year and country.
* MarketLeap - Search engine keyword placement check. Also has a history graph for each time you use it.
* Keyword Suggestion Tool (AOL leaked data) - Based on a set of user data accidentally released by AOL from a 3 month period, collected from March 2006 through May 2006, Enter in a keyphrase to see an estimate of how much traffic that phrase would have generated in that time frame for a one month period across the 3 big search engines. Clicking on the number under the Google column opens up Google Trends for that phrase for the month of May 2006, and clicking on the result under the Yahoo column will bring up the Overture Keyword suggestion tool for the most recent month that data is available.
* Keyword Crawler 1.1 (program) (424 KB) is a keyword tool that can analyze your website and provide web page reports for the top keywords used, word density, Google pagerank, internal and external backlinks and broken links. In addition, the program can also generate a sitemap file in XML format. For Windows 98/ME/NT4/2Kx/XP.
* SpyFu - Formerly a program called GoogSpy - this free web-based tool you can use to do competitor research. Powered by Velocityscape's data extraction tool, Web Scraper Plus+, which extracts 500,000 search results a day from Google and loads them into SpyFu's database. The most obvious use for GoogSpy is to discover all the keywords your competitors are bidding for on Google's AdWords. See article about this here.
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Webmaster Tools
* Website SEO Health Check Tool - NEW (Nov 07) - Aaron Wall has released a new tool named the Website Health Check Tool. The tool reviews a site's title tags, descriptions, URLs, and page status codes. It then returns problems the site may have with missing title tags and descriptions, any duplicate title tags or descriptions, www versus non-www issues, index page health, and error handling issues. Aaron plans on adding more features to the tool.
* Fagan Finder's URL Info - Superb tool for handling web pages: finding information about it, translating it, finding related pages, links, whois, etc. Allows multiple windows so you don't have to type in url for different data.
* CodeFlux - Internet Tools - Some really neat tools here - finger, nslookup, whois, ssl, traceroute, ping, dig, validate www pages, w3c and ietf standards, tidy www pages, encoder, etc.
* Duplicate Content Checker - Really neat tool from Webconfs, that checks two given pages and reports the similarity percentage of the two pages. Ideal for checking if your pages are going to be marked as duplicate content.
* SEOmoz Page Strength Tool - Excellent tool giving you; The Relative Importance and Visibility of a Web page - The Potential Strength and Ability of a Page to Rank in the Search Engines and Data on Popularity, Links & Mentions of the Page Across the Web.
* ITools - Internet Tools - Networking, Web and HTML tools.
* - Use the Traffic Estimate tool to find out approximately how much traffic a website gets.
* Domain Dossier - Investigate domains and IP addresses.
* WebConfs: URL Rewriting Tool - .htaccess code generator for re-directing dynamic web pages into static web pages. Another version here :- mod rewrite generator.
* Redirect Checker - This tool provides a simple and precise answer to a question, often asked by SEO's, directory owners and webmasters. It immediately identifies the three main types of redirections : 301 redirect, 302 redirect or HTML redirect (meta refresh). It also detects frames (FRAME tag) within the page pointed to by the tested link. The tool only analyses HTML links. It should not be used with JavaScript links.
* DynamicDrive - Free, Original DHTML & Javascripts to enhance your web site.
* Email Riddler - Email Riddler is an online tool that encrypts and transform your email address into a series of numbers when displaying it, making it virtually impossible for spam harvesters to crawl and add your email to their list.
* Simple Email Encoder - This form will allow you to encode your e-mail address through the use of Character Entities, transforming your ascii email address into its equivalent decimal entity.
* WatchThatPage - Free web service allowing you to monitor any web pages for changes, either on your site or a competitors.
* 123promotion Web Directory Submissions Manager - . Use this free tool to track your submissions to various web directories. Visit regularly to see new directories added to the list. Now you can monitor and track your directory submissions without relying on just your memory!
* IPS Tag Checker - Useful tool for those wanting to move domains from one IPS tag to another. After the tag change has been requested, enter the domain name in question, the IPS tag of the provider you are moving the domain to, and your email address. The tool will check on the status of the IPS tag every hour, and will email you if it finds the tag has moved.
* Xenu's Link Sleuth - Free Download - Great tool for checking your site for broken links. Displays a continuously updated list of URLs which you can sort by different criteria. Customized reporting can be produced at any time (broken links by page, broken links by link, site map, etc.) - Networking, Web and HTML tools.
* Extreme Tracking - One of the best website counters out there with tons of visitor information. (hint - don't want to show the extreme counter image on your site - img=1x1)
* StatCounter - A free yet reliable invisible web tracker, highly configurable hit counter and real-time detailed web stats.
* Keyword Crawler 1.1 (program) (424 KB) is a keyword tool that can analyze your website and provide web page reports for the top keywords used, word density, Google pagerank, internal and external backlinks and broken links. In addition, the program can also generate a sitemap file in XML format. For Windows 98/ME/NT4/2Kx/XP.
* Free Website Templates - Really good selection of free website templates.
* Free PDF Converter - Convert commonly used files (Microsoft Office, Open Office, graphic images, vector graphic and other formats) to PDF. It can also convert back PDF to DOC - Here's Another Free PDF Converter
* Dynamic MySpace Flash Images - Over 75 fun Flash ecards that you can customize the text message right into the Flash image! You will be given the HTML source code to add to your site so the created image will show up (we host it, hot linking allowed), great (forums/blogs) image add-ons. Also See Make Your Own Sign Generators - Import your images so you can place custom text on them.
* File Difference Tool - Free tool - Enter two files to see their differences. The tool is intended to compare nearly identical ascii files (such as cgi scripts, html or txt), or comparing html pages the have changed search engine rank to a previous version of the document.
* iWeb - HTML Colour Chart - Gives Hexadecimal values for all colours. Also has CSS style sheet generator.
* 1000's of Free Online Fonts - Enormous collection of free downloadable online fonts - presented in categories - best I've seen on the net so far.
* Online Font Tester - View how fonts look with certain parameters - nice tool.
* Malevole's Text Generator - Tired of using Lorem Ipsum for dummy text in your latest masterpiece? This text generator has been developed based on years of careful research and is guaranteed to improve even the most lacklustre of designs.
* 5,000 Online Resources - Huge list of really useful online tools - a must see for any webmaster.
* StockXhnge - Browse through the categories of their huge gallery containing over 250.000 quality stock photos by more than 25.000 photographers! Need a wallpaper for your desktop? Need a pic for your commercial website design? Looking for inspiration? Have a look around.
* Online CSS Optimiser - Excellent tool for optimising your site css files.
* CSS Creator - CSS Layout Generator - The generator requires a DOM capable browser with JavaScript enabled.
* CSS Rounded/Beveled Box Generator - Great tool for getting that professional looking table.
* Pixenate - Online Image Editor - great if your not on your own pc or for those with no image editing s/w.
* Image Size Optimizer - Lets you easily optimize your gifs, animated gifs, jpgs, and pngs, so they load as fast as possible on your site. Furthermore, you can easily convert from one image type to another.
* List-o-Matic - Online CSS Navigation Menu creator - inspired by Listamatic, a collection of examples of CSS styled list items used for navigation.
* List-u-Like CSS Generator - Create cross-browser list-based navigation bars with ease.
* Color Scheme Generator - Website colour scheme generator.
* Web 2.0 Website Generator - This site will automatically generate the XHTML/CSS layout for your new Web 2.0 site. Just set your preferences and click Generate and you are ready to begin your new life as a Web 2.0 Gazillionaire!.
* Contact Form Designer - Enables you to create form-to-email scripts for your ASP, PHP or Perl web site with no programming skills needed. Use this nifty little online form designer to finish it off.
* Encyclopedia of Free Software Downloads - Superb site for free software downloads - for Mac, Linux and Windows.
* ZARA 3D - Headline Maker (Free) - Nuff said ...
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BackLink Tools
NB: Google Don't show all of your backlinks with the "link:url" command but they will show you all of your backlinks, (well most of them), if you sign up your site for their Google Webmaster Tools.
(Google and Yahoo Sitemaps can be created easily with this Free download Sitemap Tool).
* Digital Point - Back link, PR Checker, Search Engine Keyword Tracker & Keyword Ranking Tools. Track your keywords for free. SUPERB!
* Xinu - Gives page rank, backlinks, social bookmarks, index pages and whole lot more.
* 100+ Untapped Link Building Strategies - Superb resource for finding unusual link building strategies for your web site.
* BackLinkWatch - Excellent Back link checker - Gives PR, number of OBL (out bound links) and whether nofollow is used.!
* DirectoryIndexNet - Free tools - Back link checker - as well as some other useful tools.
* - Link Popularity, Domain Popularity & IP Popularity.
* Google PageRank, Indexed Page, Back link Checker - Checks PR, No. of pages indexed and no. of backlinks across all Google (DC's) data centres. Some other really good tools on here.
* Xenu's Link Sleuth (program) - Free Download - Not exactly a back link checker but great tool for checking your site for broken links. Displays a continuously updated list of URLs which you can sort by different criteria. Customized reporting can be produced at any time (broken links by page, broken links by link, sitemap, etc.) - Networking, Web and HTML tools. Other online version here.
* SEOmoz Page Strength Tool - Excellent tool giving you; The Relative Importance and Visibility of a Web page - The Potential Strength and Ability of a Page to Rank in the Search Engines and Data on Popularity, Links & Mentions of the Page Across the Web.
* MarketLeap - Link Popularity Check - Excellent tool giving link popularity check with up to 3 other sites for comparison. Also has a industry categories with benchmarks to see the kind of back link strength other sites have. Also has a history graph for each time you use it.
* MarketLeap - Search Engine Saturation - Search Engine Saturation simply refers to the number of pages a given search engine has in its index for your website domain. Not all search engines report this information but enough of them do to create some meaningful benchmarks for your search engine marketing campaigns. Also has a history graph for each time you use it.
* WebMasterEyes - Page Rank Displayer - This excellent tool shows the Google Page Rank of all outbound links from any webpage. Try using it on a google search.
* Indexa 2.0 (program) (115 KB) is a free java website popularity program that reports Google Pagerank, the number of backlinks recorded on Google, Yahoo, MSN, Altavista and AlltheWeb and the number of pages indexed. Limitations: Analyses 4 urls and 2 search engines. For Windows 98/ME/XP/2000/2003/Unix/Linux/MacOS X.
* Link Popularity Check 3.0.3 (program) (941 KB) checks how many sites link to yours and your competitors in 5 major search engines. For Windows XP/Me/NT4/2000/98/95.
* BackLinks Master 1.5 (program) (1.3 MB) helps you find who is linking to you, whether links are direct and what keywords are in the anchor text. For Windows 98/ME/XP/2000.
* Keyword Crawler 1.1 (program) (424 KB) is a keyword tool that can analyze your website and provide web page reports for the top keywords used, word density, Google pagerank, internal and external backlinks and broken links. In addition, the program can also generate a sitemap file in XML format. For Windows 98/ME/NT4/2Kx/XP.
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Best SEO / SEM Forums / Newsletters
* WebMasterWorld - Possibly the best forum on SEO out there. Keep up to date with the issues - register and mailing list opt in here.
* Search Engine Land - New kid on the block but possibly the best mailer round-up of SEO news on the net. Subscribe to the daily SEO news summary on the submit form (top right).
* HighRankings - The 'White' Queen of SEO. Some good quality stuff here - mailer opt in here.
* Digital Point Forums - Great Forum and very open - Say Hi to Shaun.
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Other SEO Tools Sites
* 210 Resources - on Online Tools, Generators, Checkers - Excellent collection..
* SEO Tools (136 SEO Tools) - This SEO Tools page has links to the best SEO Tools on the internet and these tools will help you to optimise your website and move your search engine position higher.
* SEOChat - Great Collection of SEO Tools.
* Webmaster Toolkit - Nice Collection of Search Engine Optimisation Tools.
* WebConfs - SEO Tool Set - Large collection.
* Useful Free Web Tools - SEO, Webmaster, Validation, Blog and RSS Tools.
* WeBuildPages - Free Internet Marketing and SEO Tools.
* - Useful Online Tools.
* Multiple Site Checker - Saves you pain and time by offering an URL specific list of links to the most popular and useful web-based tools. Includes validators, accessibility checkers, link and load time check, WHOIS, HTTP response, and more.
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Saturday, June 21, 2008
Webmaster Tools
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7:51 AM
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